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Days 23 and 24: Running out of Canada to Bike Across

Argentia, NL to Holyrood, to Cape Spear  

Distance: 161 KM biked

Total KM Biked: 2612 KM in 24 days 

The amazing views made up for the cold temperature - throughout the day, it became more and more clear that Newfoundland was becoming my favourite province of the entire trip. The fjords, winding roads and Scandinavian-esque landscapes made Newfoundland stand out, and today actually ended up being one of my favourite days of the ride. 

Quick side note: I want to give a big thank you to Subway for their support during the ride - free Chicken Teriyaki subs are actually what fueled most of this ride. Thank you so much for the free food (and free WiFi, of course). 


The end of Canada isn't too far off now :)  

Made it to St. John's and the official end of the Trans Canada Trail - only 13 KM left to Cape Spear and the easternmost point of Canada. 

And just like that, 2612 KM down. Making it to the end of Canada was a really surreal feeling - I'd like to say that the distance flew by, but I really felt every KM of biking. I'll be putting up a summary blog post to go over some of the highlights of the trip, but wow, this was a crazy adventure. 

Thank you so much to everyone who supported me along the way, and to everyone who has donated - with over $21,000 raised so far for the Beshmaf family, I'm proud to say that we're well on our way to bringing a deserving family of Syrian refugees to Canada. 


And while taking in the Atlantic at Cape Spear, I got a little surprise: 

We're done! I made it back to St. John's and celebrated over all-you-can-eat sushi (I definitely profited on the all-you-can-eat price by eating around a hundred pieces of sushi). I'll be posting the summary blog post in the next few days, but for now, thank you for following this blog throughout the ride - next stop, Toronto :)